
Side event Latin America and the Caribbean: Poverty and Gender Equality.


Today at noon U.S. time, the side event “Latin America and the Caribbean: Poverty and Gender Equality” was held at the Church Center for the United Nations.

Mabel Bianco, President of FEIM, was the moderator. She was accompanied by Louise Finikin.
The objective of the meeting was to present the document that the NGO CSW LAC has prepared for CSW 68, disseminate the analysis and present proposals to address the issue in an intersectional manner, taking into account the diversity of needs, interculturality and contexts of the region.

The presenters of the event were Milena Paramo of CLADEM, Tarcila Rivera of ECMIA and Gilma Viera of the Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women and Fernanda Vazquez of RedLAC.

Mabel Bianco expressed: “We are very happy to be able to say that the document that we made with the NGO CSW of Latin America and Caribbean has almost all points of agreement of our demands in the document that Latin America and Caribbean is presenting. Especially is defending the Buenos Aires group in the negotiations”.

At the end of the presentations, a “pañuelazo” was held. Mabel said that this was done because “women and girls will not be empowered if their sexual and reproductive rights are not guaranteed, including the right to safe and free legal abortion”.