Call for youth-led organizations to lead Generation Equality Action Coalitions
Key Points
- Submit your letter of intent by 19 July 2020 to
- If you applied previously, please apply again. You can use the same letter or make edits to your previous letter.
This document outlines how youth-led organizations can apply to be leaders of the Generation Equality Action Coalitions. This is a specific call for youth-led organizations following the previous call for civil society organizations. Any youth-led organization that applied previously, should resubmit their application now to be considered as a leader.
What are Action Coalitions? Action Coalitions will be vital to a strong, vibrant and results-driven constituency of partners. UN Women is the overall convener of the Generation Equality Action Coalitions.
There are six Action Coalitions covering the following themes:
- Gender-based violence 2. Economic justice and rights 3. Bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights 4. Feminist action for climate justice 5. Technology and innovation for gender equality 6. Feminist movements and leadership
Who are the Action Coalition Leaders? Leaders of Action Coalitions will be comprised of the following:
- Youth-led organizations, including adolescent-girl led organizations
- Governments from the Global South and North
- Women’s organizations and movements
- Private sector entities, including philanthropic organizations
The exact number of leaders for each Action Coalition will be flexible depending on the theme and the decision of the Core Group of the Generation Equality Forum.
Youth-led organizations will play a crucial part in the Action Coalitions. There will be at least one youth-led organization in a leadership role for every Action Coalition.
What kinds of youth-led organizations can apply? Youth-led organizations must be led by young people themselves. Youth-serving or youth- focused organizations are not eligible for consideration in the youth-led slot.
Organizations do not need to be registered officially. However, applications must be from organizations, networks, or alliances rather than individuals.
A coalition of youth-led organizations can submit a joint application. When applying as a coalition, please submit only one letter and clearly indicate which organization will act as the main point of contact.
What is required of leaders of Action Coalitions? The criteria for all leaders of Action Coalitions is as follows:
- Evidence of commitment to the theme of Action Coalition, either through past work or a new vision.
- A ground-breaking five-year commitment relevant to the Action Coalition theme that demonstrates a vision for change.
- Active engagement in the design of the Action Coalition blueprint alongside annual tracking and reporting as part of regular reporting. In addition, all Action Coalition leaders will be strongly encouraged to attend an annual event at the UN General Assembly.
- Demonstration of how the organization will utilize their voice and network to engage others and mobilize additional support for the Action Coalition theme.
Youth-led organizations are not expected to make any financial contribution or commitment.
How does my organization apply to be a leader? All interested organizations, networks, or coalitions, should send a letter of intent to by 19 July 2020 in PDF or Word format.
The letter should be:
- Addressed to the Core Group of the Generation Equality Forum
- No more than two pages long
- From an organization – not individuals
- Express interest in leading one specific Action Coalition. For example, “We write to be considered for leadership of the Action Coalition on Economic Justice and Rights.”
The letters should include evidence of:
- The organization’s commitment to the theme; 2. A ground-breaking five-year commitment relevant to the theme; and 3. How the organization will provide support to the Action Coalition.
Additional considerations for the letter:
- Please explain how your organization is youth-led, such as rotation and selection of leadership, membership criteria, etc. This can be done in a few sentences.
- If you are applying as a coalition, please note in your letter which organization will be the key point of contact and representative to the Action Coalition and explain how your coalition works together.
What is a strong letter of intent like?
- The letter will be from an organization rather than an individual. Even if the organization is new, the letter will clearly explain how the organization is well-placed to respond to the theme of the Action Coalition. Any experience and focus on the rights and needs of vulnerable and marginalized adolescent girls should be highlighted.
○ If your organization has a letterhead, please use that for your letter.
- The letter will have a specific commitment to advance the overall goal of the Action Coalition. Examples of commitment could include, policy or legal reform; dedicated action for progress; the organization’s expertise, knowledge, or support on the theme; funding; or advocacy for global action.
○ When reviewing the applications, the peer reviewers understand that the scale and nature of commitments for grassroots organizations are different than large global groups.
- If you are applying to be considered as a leader for multiple Action Coalitions, a unique letter for each Action Coalition should be sent.
○ Since the letters should include specific evidence of commitment to the theme of the Action Coalition, as well as a five-year commitment to the theme, the letters of intent should be specifically addressed to only one Action Coalition at a time.
- The letter will not ask for funding support for the organization.
How will the youth-led organization leaders be chosen? All of the received letters will be reviewed by a committee of civil society peers, including young people, who will develop a shortlist of recommendations for each Action Coalition. This shortlist will then be reviewed by the Core Group who will make the final decision.
What happens after the Generation Equality Forum? As Action Coalitions are five-year initiatives formally starting in July 2020 and lasting until July 2025, prospective leaders are expected to remain engaged by participating in annual tracking and reporting, as well as by attending regular events and meetings. Additionally, the leadership group of each Action Coalition will decide on any further engagement and commitment.
How can I get more information? To request further information on the leadership of Action Coalitions or to submit a letter of intent please contact:
Please address general questions regarding the Generation Equality Forum to: