About FEIM
The Foundation for Studies and Research on Women (FEIM) is an Argentinean non-governmental, not-for-profit organization created in 1989 by a group of professional women who are gender specialists, in order to improve the social, working, legal, political, economical, and health conditions of women, girls, teenagers and young adults.
Legal Status Nº 1045/89
Consultative Status in UN since 2006
Equality between women and men in full respect of the Human Rights of women requires the elimination of gender-based inequalities and the improvement of women and girls’ access to education, work, healthcare, and full social and political participation.
On this basis, FEIM aims:
For women and girls to have the capacity to freely make all decisions related to their lives, including those concerning their sexuality and reproduction, without being subjected to any type of violence, coercion or discrimination.
For women and men to have equal opportunities to access and enjoy their rights to education, healthcare, work, political participation, and economic resources, in order to guarantee their independence, as well as individual and collective development.
To defend and promote the fulfillment of all of the Human Rights of women and girls.
To contribute to improving the life conditions or sustainable development for women and girls.
To advocate to achieve equality between women and men.
How do we do this?
FEIM develops programs, projects, research and other activities on the following topics: Women’s Rights, Gender Equality, Political Participation and Leadership, Labor Integration, Environment and Sustainable Development, the Elderly, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Teenage Pregnancy, Sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/Aids, Violence against Women, Comprehensive Sex Education, Access to Public Information, and Citizen Monitoring.
These activities are carried out alongside, or in collaboration with municipalities, universities, local communities’ organizations, and NGOs for women, youth, and other members of the community.
Our lines of work:
- The research and systemization of national, regional and international information about the condition of women, teenagers, and children. The production, collation, and archiving of both printed and audiovisual materials on women, teenagers, and children.
- Following and evaluating agreements, conventions, and other national, regional, and international commitments that affect the lives and rights of women and girls.
- Public advocacy for the defense, recognition and guarantee of the Human Rights of women, teenagers and girls, especially those relating to health, including sexual and reproductive, and the right to a life free from violence.
- Training women, teenagers and girls, and developing their professional abilities and communitarian resources for the defense and the enforceability of their Human Rights.
- The coordination of activities with organizations for women, teenagers, young people, children and Human Rights, at a national, regional and international level.
- Advising both governmental and non-governmental organizations, for the implementation of public policy relating to gender. Advocacy for the sanction of laws, decrees, and other regulations, as well as for the implementation and application of policies to improve the condition of women, teenagers, and children.
- Taking legal actions against governmental organizations due to non-implementation, amicus curiae, request of public information, issuing reports to UN organisms, and other actions linked to citizen monitoring.